Thursday, August 13, 2009


heres the question....

what does a computer mean to you?

whats it purpose?

thank you for your time


A computer is a tool, very powerful, but a computer by itself is an idiot, it cannot do anything not ordered!

Computers!!!?norton ghost

To me, a computer is the connection between India and America, since most of my relatives live in India. I haven't seen them for years, but the computer, more specifically, the internet helps me stay connected with them. Computers in general are very helpful; you can organize work, make files, type up many paged essays and there is a spell/grammar check for word documents. There's not too many worries about mistakes. Printing is very easy. International business can be done by your fingertips. You can create nice powerpoint presentations about office/school work.

I think mostly computers are good, there may be some problems like if viruses come, or it gets too old, or SPAM on the internet.

I would rate computers 9/10 nevertheless. Very good invention. Thank you inventor of computers!

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