Thursday, August 13, 2009


How do you know if you have Unix or linux or windows etc.

I have windows however I can open command prompt and input commands,is that Unix or linux? Can I have windows and still have unix?


You know because it is what you installed.

It is neither. It is a command prompt based on DOS.


To elaborate:

When you boot up your computer, it usually says what operating system is being loaded. Windows says Windows, Linux will usually indicate both that it is Linux and what distribution it is. Unix, which is generally considered commercial proprietary Unix, versus open source Linux or BSD, will usually indicate what it is, additionally most of it requires proprietary hardware, though some will run on open systems.

A command prompt in windows is essentially a system prompt that allows you to enter commands and write scripts. The modern command prompts mimic the look and feel of the older DOS operating systems, although at the core are very different, for numerous reasons to lengthy to transcriibe here.

You can have windows and unix on the same machine in a couple different ways. 1) you can dual boot, which allows you to use one operating system at a time. There is a mountain of informaitn on the web for exactly how to do this. 2) Use a virtualization product like VMware to run linux on top of windows or vice versa.

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